Previous Mapping
On conversations
Mapping of Seats
and Layout
Avatar Look Groups
Intervention Concepting
Getting everyone on the dance floor, shifting the space more to its 'intended' function.
However this has nothing to do with my research
However if you plan this out with people wearing an universal outfit that stands out (E.g. bunny slippers) would others join? Would similar users flock/gravitate towards the group? What kind of reaction will people have?
Closeted Fashion
Intervention 2
Intervention 3
These are posts from the reddit page /r/picrew where people post questions and picrews they've made/done
An illustrated guide to which features are usually represented in character creators and the features people would like to have as an option more often
Target Audience: Picrew Community server on Discord - Realm of Picrew
Fake 'Looking for this picrew' ads to gauge interest
QUESTION: 'What do you feel is underrepresented within picrews?"